WITH Caroline Gilroy
CEO and Founder @Couper
along with Sarah Keating
What is the greatest lesson you've learned from your mother?
Effortless beauty comes from within. My mom has changed the lives of so many people around her, always for the better. From a young age, she taught me that no matter how bad of a day you are having, you can always make someone else's better. She lives her life with genuineness and passion, and no matter who she is with, or what she is working on, she is always fully present and giving it her all.
What advice would you give to other mothers based on your own experiences?
Always pay attention to leading by example. Your children will watch every move you make and they learn from both your successes and your failures. They need to see both. As a working mom, I was never able to do it all. Lean on your village and make sure your children feel the love of their village.present and giving it her all.
What has been the most rewarding aspect of motherhood for you?
Sarah Keating: The most rewarding aspect of motherhood for me has been the gift of giving birth to my own best friend. There is no one, other than a daughter, who can finish your sentences for you, know your greatest strengths and weaknesses, cheer you on and share your heartache when you need it most, and just love you unconditionally. PT II. I have been blessed to learn in recent years that the true greatest gift a daughter can give, besides her love for you, is the gift of m grandchildren. Those perfect little babies warm your heart and make your face hurt from smiling. You are able to give them the strength, patience, and time that you were unable to consistently give your own children because you were just crazily treading water trying to stay above it.
"These blouses are extremely versatile within my wardrobe. I can wear them all summer long with the lightweight fabric, and the detailing on the sleeve is such a show-stopping moment! "
-Caroline Gilroy